Even if 2021 is a few days old already, we’re hereby wishing our beautiful WeRBinti community a Happy New Year 2021.

Well Phew! 2020 is over, and thank God for that! 2020 was a year that taught many of us a lot. It was a year that asked questions! Did you know some years ask questions and others provide answers? (now that questions have been asked, hopefully 2021 brings in some answers.)

I bet 2020 made you ask yourself some difficult questions (am I in the right job? Is my business what I have always wanted to do? Do I need to be this far from my family? How can I advance my career? How can I make more financially sound decisions? And so and so forth).

For me personally, I realized that I value time spent with my immediate family more than anything else. Made me realize I need a career that allows me to do that. 2020 was also a year of invention and innovation after all necessity is the mother of invention! We realized that we could do so much more with so much less and not even having to leave the house to do it!

Many people say that 2020 should be canceled and we get a do over. I disagree (trust me to be on the side of the few!!!). If everything always flowed the way we wanted it to how would we learn? Think back to a time in your life you made a life changing decision or you took a leap that you thought you were not capable of (you can comment on our social pages if you like or respond to this email, we would love to hear it).

What fueled you? What drove you? What pushed you over the edge finally? You would be surprised to learn that it was adversity or a challenging situation or a circumstance that took you out of your comfort zone.

Well Phew! 2020 is over, and thank God for that! 2020 was a year that taught many of us a lot. It was a year that asked questions! Did you know some years ask questions and others provide answers? (now that questions have been asked, hopefully 2021 brings in some answers.)

I bet 2020 made you ask yourself some difficult questions (am I in the right job? Is my business what I have always wanted to do? Do I need to be this far from my family? How can I advance my career? How can I make more financially sound decisions? And so and so forth).

For me personally, I realized that I value time spent with my immediate family more than anything else. Made me realize I need a career that allows me to do that. 2020 was also a year of invention and innovation after all necessity is the mother of invention! We realized that we could do so much more with so much less and not even having to leave the house to do it!

Many people say that 2020 should be canceled and we get a do over. I disagree (trust me to be on the side of the few!!!). If everything always flowed the way we wanted it to how would we learn? Think back to a time in your life you made a life changing decision or you took a leap that you thought you were not capable of (you can comment on our social pages if you like or respond to this email, we would love to hear it).

What fueled you? What drove you? What pushed you over the edge finally? You would be surprised to learn that it was adversity or a challenging situation or a circumstance that took you out of your comfort zone.

If the caterpillar never leaves its cocoon, it can never be a beautiful butterfly. Time to step out of your cocoon and become the beautiful butterfly that you were always destined to be. Come on Girl you got it!

So how do you challenge yourself to do more? To take up those roles you were too scared to take? One of the ways that for me has really impacted my career is mentorship. I have had phenomenal mentors through out my career. Funny enough most have been women (anyone else question why I am so much into female matters?)

Being mentored or becoming a mentor is a great way to build your career. Starting out in a mentorship program you discover things about you that you never knew. A whole new side of you. (new you?)

In this day and age its all about being life long learners, new things come up every day. Even if you think back to the first phone you had and the phone you have now, you have had to learn a few new skills.

Joining our program, you open up yourself to explore depths and new heights. You get to see yourself from other women’s eyes. You will be pleasantly surprised at what you may discover.

So this year treat yourself and join our mentorship program, 12 week leadership coursework after which you get matched up to a one-on-one mentor session.

For mentors fill the form here, and establish your mentor account and start getting matched to applicants today. Being a mentor is so fulfilling, you will see huge steps of growth and it helps you to be more accountable as you know someone is aspiring to be like you.

New Year’s resolutions are a common and widespread phenomenon. Everyone wants to reboot their life, start over with a blank sheet, and make the world a better place. So this new year what have you resolved to do? What is your new years resolution? We encourage you to set your 2021 intentions. Say them out loud, share them with someone (your mentor, other mentees) and put them up on your wall to keep you accountable. Tag us @werbinti so that we can re-share.



Exciting WeRBinti news!

We have recently launched a Leadership and Discovery Course. Its a 12 week program and its on sale this month (Jan 2nd to 15th). What a way to start 2021!

Reading Nook

This month we are reading

Girl Stop Apologizing: A Shame Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals

By Rachel Hollis.

We think a new year is filled with energy of newness and hope. Its the best time for you to rework your goals and set new ones.

This book takes you through the many excuses we make as women and the lies we tell ourselves . She debunks these lies and provides strategies and tactics to overcome them. This in my opinion is one of the best books for women leaders and should be referenced often!

Listen Zone

In January we are listening to

Small Things Make a Big Difference

By Spencer Holt.

This series focuses on leadership discussions that help each of us realize that small things make a big difference in the lives of people we interact with and the communities we serve in. Each episode is designed to help you be more intentional in who you are becoming and the impact you can make.

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