Interview skills could be the difference between getting the coveted job offer or not. Developing and building great interview skills is essential if you want to remain competitive in the current job market.

Are you nervous about sitting down with a group of strangers for 30-90 minutes who will ultimately determine your fate? I know I would be. No need to be nervous anymore, take our Resume and Interview Skills masterclass.

Imagine if you could walk into an interview session today, knowing that you are at your best, your are eloquent, you are confident, you are memorable. You have great samples of your work at your fingertips, you are able to say why YOU are the perfect fit for that job.

And when you leave, the interview got a glimpse of you, of what makes you tick, of your skills and experience and hopefully be able to stand in for you and make the best case as to why YOU should be hired for the job.

Whether you get the job or not, you know you have done your best. You are not plagued with guilt of I should have, I could have, I would have (you know shoulda, coulda, woulda!!)

Comfort yourself in this no one person is a natural at interviewing. Nobody enjoys being put under the microscope and your every decision be vetted. Anybody can learn these skills and no one is born with them.

This Course is a 12 week online course, that will give you all the cheat sheets, workbooks, templates you need to ace your interview and craft your best resume and cover letter to get you that interview.

What You will Learn

Acing behavioral Interviews

Body Language Do’s and Dont’s for interviewing

Define your objectives and purpose in your search for employment.

Help you establish SMART goals in the job-hunting process.

Assist you in developing a first month plan of action for your job search.

Craft an effective resume.

Form an attractive cover letter.

Learn networking skills in finding leads for jobs.

Efficiently get interviews and thrive in the interview process.

How to construct UNIQUE and POWERFUL interview answers that catch the attention of the interviewer

How to use TARGETED vocabulary and phrases that allow your key skills to stand out

How to master The STAR formula and answer ALL interview questions perfectly

How to AVOID the most common grammar mistakes


A tool kit to increase your odds of getting a job offer

Specific information that relates to healthcare jobs

How to follow up after a job interview

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